A Guide to Rental Property Inspections for Lynchburg, VA, Landlords

A Guide to Rental Property Inspections for Lynchburg, VA, Landlords

You're busy exploring your next property purchase in Lynchburg, VA, and haven't heard from your tenant in a while. All must be good, right? As the old saying goes, 'No news is good news.'

But what if that's not the case? Maybe the smoke detectors are broken but your tenant doesn't know. Maybe dirty HVAC filters are creating a time bomb for your expensive HVAC system.

That's why regular rental property inspections are crucial. Here's what you need to know.

There Is More Than One Type of Inspection

Inspection encompasses a few things. As a landlord, it's crucial you know all of them. Two bookended inspections are the one you do before a tenant moves in and the one you do when a tenant leaves.

Between that point, you have maintenance inspections. These check that everything in the property is in good working order.

Lastly, you have an emergency inspection, which only happens due to an urgent issue like a severe fire hazard.

Laws Governing Inspections

When owning a rental property in Virginia, you must know the law on tenant rights before arranging an inspection on your property.

First, you can only inspect for specific reasons, like safety and maintenance. Second, you can also examine a property to check if the tenant is sticking to the lease terms.

Lastly, you can only inspect a property without notice if it's an emergency; otherwise, you must prearrange it with tenants.

Always Prepare for an Inspection

You need to stay organized with inspections.

Beforehand, confirm the time and date with the tenant. Keep this on an online portal so that they don't forget.

Next, make a list of what you intend to inspect. Try to be thorough so that you cover as much as possible.

Virginia rental property inspections might include:

  • Appliances
  • Smoke detectors
  • Plumbing
  • Electrics
  • Structure
  • Cosmetic damage to carpets or walls

Be respectful when arranging tenants. Remember that their privacy is essential. So provide ample notice and ensure it's at a convenient time of day.

How to Address Issues After Inspecting a Rental Property

If you find an issue during an inspection, you must note and prioritize it. Safety issues come first. So, if it's a problem like a faulty carbon monoxide detector, you should treat that as an emergency.

For more minor issues, take notes and photographs. Aim to build a list of reliable contacts and contractors for maintenance and repairs.

It's helpful when seeking a prompt repair. Remember that you'll also need to arrange a date suitable for the tenant.

Documentation and Other Admin

Keep records of all inspections, including dates, issues found, and repairs. It will help you keep track of what you've done and is also valuable if there are disputes with tenants.

Rental Property Inspections: Protecting Your Investment

Rental property inspections for Lynchburg, VA, are more than a nice to have. They are one of the most important ways to protect your investment. Use this guide to help you get started.

Our property management team at PMI Lynchburg has a wealth of experience in inspection and maintenance work on behalf of landlords. To find out how we could help you, view our service page.
